I have a new website I'm trying to develop, but navigation is a huge issue. Ok, here it goes. I want to set up a website almost exactly like the Projects section here at dotnetnuke. The basic navigational and content layout is almost exactly the same. I need:
Main Nav on the left for all TOPICS.
Main Nav on the left for CURRENT TOPIC TABS
Center - Content related to CURRENT TOPIC
Right - Additional content related to CURRENT TOPIC
So these are my questions:
- Is the PROJECTS section of dnn a CHILD PORTAL?
- Is each topic of the PROJECTS section a SUB-CHILD PORTAL of PROJECTS?
This is the reason I ask.
It seems that each PROJECT TOPIC has a Main Navigation of the TOPIC, in the upper left nav, it's own blog, it's own forum, yet your main login will take you through each one. I completely understand about creating a module, like a links module and copying it to all pages, but how can I copy a links module to just some pages?
Just need a little guidence here.