I am sure there are multiple ways to do this and my way probably isn't the best, but here is what I did:
Create the new manager role
Create a new page and set permissions so that only new manager role has access
Open table 'DesktopModules' in the database, find 'User Accounts' in the 'Friendly Name' clumn, set IsAdmin field to 'False'
Refresh the new page, and the User Accounts module is now available in the list of modules to add to the page, so add it.
Return to the db table and set the field back to true.
Now the issue is that the control panel at the top of the page displays, which is undesirable, but If you want them to be able to add a new user, you need to edit admin\ControlPanel\IconBar.ascx.vb, in the Page_Load, I added the following to the if block that satrts with If objLoggedIn.IsSuperUser Then :ElseIf PortalSecurity.IsInRole("CustomRole") Then
lblVisibility.Visible =
cmdVisibility.Visible =
rowControlPanel.Visible =
Good Luck
Now they can add users but the 'edit' btton needs to be selected in the control panel
If they don't need to be able to add users, hide the whole panel