Thank you for the thread...
I was wondering, though: How would one set the <p> tag as the default tag for the Rad Editor?
Currently when one types, the editor doesn't inject any tag around the text (unless you have "NewLineBr" set to false and you actually happen to press enter), and you have to manually set the tag (or code block) to "Normal" which sets the <p>.
I'd imagine you would need to change this in the "Format Code Block"..?
Also - on a similar note - I'd also like to limit the tag / code block options available in this editor for semantic reasons (H1 for example, is only meant to be used once per page, so this is not needed in the editor). How / Where would I do this..? I'd like the options here to start with H2. I'd also like the Directory List, Menu List, Formatted and Address code blocks removed from these options.
I know how to add and remove CSS classes to the Apply CSS Class dropdown, so I'd imagine it's something similar. Just need help with the syntax.
Thank you in advance