(at first I apologize for my english... )
I am new in skinning for dnn and I have read the skinning manuel by Shaun Walker and I also tried the examlple in Appendix A.
I have created a skin.html with 4 contentpanes. So I had to create a skin.xml, to "specify the 'ID' attribute.
After following all the other introductions, I tried to upload my new skin but first of all no skin was found. (The container
which were included in Skin-Package were found...)
After trying some other stuff I dont remember anymore (Try and error will work sometimes...), the skin was shown in the
"Skin-Browser". I tried to apply it but then I got an error, which said:
"CONTENTPANE" is already in use...
Could it be that I have something wrong with the skin.xml or could it be that the skin.xml is not used to create the skin.ascx?
How could I solve this problem?