I don't know why there are so many hardcodes in dnn... (I've said that before... in all the modules...)
For instance the Search link...
I've a table cell where I've put in the search control.
I've set the following css code for that.
<td class="W196 VeAlMi HoAlLe Srch" id="Srch"><dnn:SEARCH runat="server" id="dnnSEARCH" Submit="<br />Zoek »" CssClass="SrchLink" /></td>
.W196 {width:196px;}
.VeAlMi {vertical-align:middle;}
.HoAlLe {text-align:left;}
.SrchLink {color:#e5e5e5;}
a.SrchLink:link {color:#e5e5e5;}
a.SrchLink:visited {color:#e5e5e5;}
a.SrchLink:hover {color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; cursor:hand; cursor:pointer;}
a.SrchLink:active {color:#e5e5e5; text-decoration:none;}
#Srch .NormalTextbox {width:100%; color:#3f3f3f; height:16px; border:#cccccc 1px solid; font-size:10px; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#f2f2f2;}
How does this code rendered?
<td class="W196 VeAlMi HoAlLe Nwrp Srch" id="Srch"><input name="dnn:dnnSEARCH:txtSearch" type="text" maxlength="255" size="20" id="dnn_dnnSEARCH_txtSearch" class="NormalTextBox" onkeydown="return __dnn_KeyDown('13', ' __doPostBack(%27dnn:dnnSEARCH:cmdSearch%27,%27%27)', event);" /> <a id="dnn_dnnSEARCH_cmdSearch" class="SrchLink" href=" __doPostBack('dnn$dnnSEARCH$cmdSearch','')"><br />Zoek »</a>
As you can see I wanted that the text Zoek » is set on the following line...
What did I see?
First there is a between the NormalTextbox and the text Zoek »
Because of the fact that the NormalTextbox is set to 100% (to fill the cell of the table)
In IE I've a blanco line between the NormalTextbox and the text Zoek » (of course because that extra blanco space )
In FF I've not a blanco line between the NormalTextbox and the Text Zoek »
As you can see also the </td> is set not after Zoek »</a> but two lines under that... (but I think that gives no extra white spaces).
Why, why, why?.... Is this not bad practice? ... You could say... it is a bug...