I've a clean CSS Skin with CSS Containers. Everything works fine except in Edit-Mode when hovering over the ModuleTitle dnnACTIONS Image. The Menu appears about 300 Pixels below (if you hover further over e.g. the Move-Command the "Sub-SubMenu" appears further ~300 Pixels below) - in the floated (DIV) RightPane no Menu appears / is out of view.
I've tried to isolate the problem:
- The Container/Menu works in the default DNN Skin. => it's not up to the Container.
- I placed Style, which positions either ModuleTitle_MenuItem or ModuleTitle_SubMenuItem abolute to (1,1) of the surrounding ContentPane DIV-Container. (to see css works a red border is included) => no success => the positioning of the Menu itself is not affected.
- I placed an absolute positioned "Container DIV" around the <dnnACTIONS /> Tag => no result
It seems that the position of the Menu is not calculated to any of the above DIVs/Styles.
Does anyone know how positioning of the Menu works and how I can ensure that the Menu appears and is placed below the arrow image?
Many thanks for any feedback/hints!
Stefan Rosenthal