I am testing and figuring out how the skin width and text size stylesheet widgets work. Text size works with no problems. But the skin width is giving me some rendering issues in regards to content placement. I've used the default code for the widget pretty much as is except for changing the width's to have an 800px wide selection. With the 800px wide selection, the entirety of the content is shifted about 200 pixels to the right if I try to center the content horizontally. Now, the custom skin without the widget and set at 800px renders fine, nicely in the center. The problem begins to occur when any content forces the skin to expand wider than the 800px width setting and really only a problem if the widget is on the page. What happens with the widget is that for some reason the content just shifts over to the right and off screen by a few hundred pixels. Normally, you could just scroll over to view the content. But, while the horizontal scroll bar appears in IE7 and FF3, in IE7 much of the content that is off screen is not able to be seen by scrolling. The end of the scrollbar/scrollable area stops before the farthest end of the off screen content can be scrolled into view. It's basically just truncated and that's that. This does not happen without the widget on the page.
I noticed that the default Minimal Extropy skin has an overflow: auto setting that allows for inline scrollbars and can scroll to make all areas visible that would be offscreen. I've tried setting the overflow in my skin, but the closest I could drill it down to was the actual skin wrapper and to be honest most people are not going to want their skin to have these extra scrollbars to view data that should be able to be seen without an extra set of scrollbars and extra mousework to view the content. The problem is eliminated if the content is left aligned instead of centered via the margin 0px auto setting. All content that is offscreen can be scrolled to be visible.
What makes it a major problem is that the Admin Settings page is hard coded in the core code to be 725px wide, which is actually about twice the width needed for the actual content of the page. Obviously you have to be able to view and edit major pages like that, but other than left aligning the content and not using anything less than 970px width, I haven't found a way around this issue.
Is this something that is still being developed or worked on or is this a finished widget that is "as is" status or just an example for programmers to follow like an outline for creating their own widgets? I'm definitely not a programmer but would love to make better use of this widget.
Also, I see the widgets various javascript files in versions earlier than DNN5, they were present going back a few versions of DNN4. Widgets are exclusive to DNN 5 right, or did I misunderstand that?
Also, I noticed an ie6 .png fix widget. I've attempted using various scripts and just couldn't get them to work quite right. How can I try this png widget? Is it possible to see an example implementation?