Dnn 5, 6 and 7 mobile skins
Currently I have the DDR menu working fine in our tested mobile devices. Prior to page reload (non-active menu tab state) only root menu items show. When a root menu item is clicked on it loads the page and then shows the child menu items for the active page.
What I would like to do is have a small clickable image displayed beside the page name in the root menu only if children exist. When the image is clicked it expands/collapses the menu tab to show/hide the children.
In other words, if a user clicks on the page name in the menu tab it loads that page. If the user clicks on the image it only expands/collapses the menu item to show/hide its children. Only one menu item can show its children at any given time.
I have looked at many jquery possibilities but have found none that will only expand/collapse the children when the image is click (i.e. not load a new page), and load the new page when the page name is clicked in a menu item the menu item.
This is for mobile devices - Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you for your assistance.