Hi all,
I am fairly new to DNN and have developed several very simple modules. I am now trying to do one that is a little more complex and as expected, also finding where holes in my knowledge are.
When I created my simple modules, I had to do 3 things:
1) Host->Module Definitions and from the popup menu selected "Create Module Definition"
2) Next I had to enter a name, and click the "Create Definition" at the bottom of the Module Definition page.
3) Then, I added 3 controls to this definition created in step 2. (View,Edit,Settings)
I sort of glossed over the reasons for step2...and I think that this is my problem. Can anyone please explain the difference between the Definition in step 1 and the Definition in step 2, and why do they both get called "definition" if they are different things?
I want to create a module that will allow me to create/Edit/Delete some data, of which one field needs to be a lookup from a user managed list of options/categories.
I have read several articles about this, but don't seem to understand much of it......I think because of my confusion about step 2 above.
Does anyone have a simple example of a module that acts like a "Switchboard" to allow the user to edit data in several different tables?
Thanks in advance
Paul Hermans