What's new in version 5.5?
l Improvements of integration with Windows Live Writer:
n Supports adding description, tags and SEO title to an article.
n You can assign multi categories to an article in WLW.
l Show articles in categories. There is a setting to control if articles can be shown in categories tree.
l RSS/XML in DNNArticle list module.
l Improvements of Comment/Rating.
l Capability of attach files to an article immediately during the "Add new content" phase.
l Author selection from the list of users.
l Role security, where articles are only viewable by certain roles.
l Now article list, article slider and article tabbed content can show articles from all DNNArticle modules in a portal.
What's new in version 5.0?
Integrate with Windows Live Writer. You can use Windows Live Writer to edit and post articles.
Multi categories. An article can be assigned to more than one categories.
Template Editor. It provides template editor to help you create display style.
Import content from other modules. Now you can import content from other content management modules. You can define your own import template.
Improvement of Comment. Now you can define comment display style.
Integrate with Windows Live Writer
From 5.0 version, the module implements metaPost provider to integrate with Windows Live Writer. Authorized users can use Windows Live Writer to edit and public article. This feature gives DNNArticle more flexibility.
All contents are organized by category.
It supports sub categories. You can create sub categories as many as you want.
You can set icon for each category.
You can assign a moderator for each category to approve new content.
You can configure the presentation of category tree.
You can assign an article to more than one category.
A category sub module can display categories in any page you want.
Role based submission
Administrators can decide roles who can submit content.
Content can be reviewed by moderators before published.
Administrators can decide roles who can be moderators.
Content can be approved automatically.
You can define display template for the module. There are many tokens such as [TITLE], [DESCRIPTION], [CONTENT], [CATEGORYNAME], [CREATEDDATE], [CREATEDBYUSERNAME], etc.
There is a template editor to help you to create your own template.
An image can be displayed for each article.
Support Ajax
Using Ajax to save loading time.
You can set page size.
Importing and exporting
Fully implements DNN's IPortable interface enabling importing and exporting articles.
Import Articles from DNN Core Announcement module.
Import Articles from other modules. You can define import template for other modules such as Announcement and FAQs. Then you can import content from these modules.
Syndication-RSS Feeds
Fully implements DNN's ISearchable interface enabling searching and rss feeds.
It can create RSS feed for each category.
You may specify whether users can leave comments or rating for an article.
The comments can be reviewed by administrators before published.
The comments can be auto approved and published.
It can filter harmful code such as JavaScript in comments.
You can set email notification of new comment.
Featured Article
You can set featured articles that will always be displayed on top.
Email notification
Email notification can be enabled/disabled.
Administrators can set email address that can receive notification email.
Email subject and body template can be defined.
SEO Friendly
The module can add SEO friendly title, description and keywords to detail view page.
Multiple Sort options
Will be able to specify sort by created date, view order, clicks, or title.
Sub Modules
Article Search
There is a sub module for searching articles. The display template of search result can be defined.
Article List
There is a sub module to display article list. By using it, an Article can appear in multiple places within your site. The display template can be defined.
Article Slider
Article Slider is a sub module to make a slideshow out of articles on your page. Users can manually select a content to see or have them rotated automatically. Pagination links let the user quickly pick a content to show.
Tabbed Content
Tabbed Content is a sub module to display articles as tabbed type. Users can manually select a content to see or have them rotated automatically.
Tag Cloud
From 4.2 there is a new sub module named tag cloud. You can define and assign tags to your article. The Tag Cloud module will generate tag cloud of the article module. You can define the CSS of tag by popularity.
Article Category
Show categories of a DNNArticle module in any page you want.