I understand your concerns and appreciate the sincere post about your experience with the Store module. Your website turned out to be clean and neat and it appears to work fine. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished in such a short period of time.
Considering that version 1.0.1 was a beta, released to the community as an example or starting point for a free ecommerce module for DotNetNuke, it was obviously useful to you with some additional effort.
The team is very busy trying to get the next version released to the community and while your comments are noted, they really need more support from people like yourself.
1) Do you have a list of things that you fixed to make it work?
2) Did you contribute your specific issues to the forums or the bug tracking database?
3) Would you be willing to document your effort to share with the team and other users?
The only way to get issues resolved and improve the module is to bring them to the attention of the Store team. Please feel free to initiate discussions and contribute to the forums to help make the Store better for the entire DotNetNuke community.