1. I said SW.. is that you?
2. It was in his press release of some sort.. which someone else saw 'imminent' but I cannot find it
3. SW should be making an official update....
4. RC is not beta.. in 12 years of software development... working for airlines, anti-virus, services .. never once did we call RC a beta.
5. If there is a core module breaking in RC3 due to core change.. the process should be immediately refined because that shouldnt happen. If it did, then the release date should be immediately delayed for more testing.
These are very common software development approaches.
Just today we told customers you are not getting the next release next week. If we waited until after the last given date... I can only imagine. Customers are customers even if they are not paying. This is the same old discussion for 3 years now.
The core team continually conflicts each others statements.. while the person that should give the announcements doesnt. It's a circus.
Are there numbers of how many issues were found during the RC's (by benefactors only I assume as there is not really a RC group) .. what level were each, how many were fixed, not fixed, etc?