I recently explained to someone how they could go about tracking URL click-thrus from text links (newsletters, etc) and graphic ads using the Vendor module built-in to DotNetNuke. Sort of a way of building referral IDs. There are probably easier ways with less steps involved, but this was an easy lesson for a relative newbie to DotNetNuke. Here are the steps I explained to her (assuming she is "Admin"):
Setting Up a Banner Module
1. Create a new page on your site ... call it "Ad Campaigns" or similar. Give this page "Admin only" View / Edit rights.
2. Add a "Banners" module to this page. Title for this module isn't important.
3. Select "Banner Options."
4. In filling in the fields, select "Banner Type:" as "Text." For "Banner Group:" select your own title - I used "URL Links". Set the Banner Count to 100 for now (you can go back and change later.) Leave the rest of the fields as is -- hit Update.
Using Admin > Vendors to Build a Referral Id
1. Select the Vendors option in the Admin dropdown menu (same menu that has Site Settings, Recycle Bin, etc.)
2. Select "Add New Vendor"
3. Fill in the fields with you company info (this isn't vital)
4. Select your new company's entry in the Vendor directory, and click the Edit icon beside it.
5. Maximize "Banner Advertising" entry - look for icon that says "Add New Banner"
6. Enter a Banner Name (example: "June 10-15 - Coffee Promo")
7. "Banner Type:" is "Text" (type you defined in Step 4, "Setting Up a Banner Module," above)
8. "Banner Group:" is "URL Links" (one you selected in Step 4, "Setting Up a Banner Module," above)
9. "URL:" is where you place the http tag that you are wanting to track (example: http://www.coffeetime.cof)
10. "Start Date:" - I always set to current date, and leave "End Date:" open-ended. However, you can use these dates to track click-thrus only with a period you define if you'd like.
Revisit "Ad Campaigns" Page You Created
1. The text ad you just created for coffeetime.cof should now be displaying.
2. Right-click on the active URL link, and hit "Copy Shortcut"
3. Paste to Notepad ... should look something like hhhttp://www.coffeetime.cof/Admin/ Vendors/BannerClickThrough.aspx?BannerId=1&VendorId=1
4. You can now use this referral-style URL in newsletters and articles, wherever you mention CoffeeTime that you would like to track how many hits you're getting.
Back in Admin > Vendors
1. Select the Vendors option in the Admin dropdown menu (same menu that has Site Settings, Recycle Bin, etc.)
2. Maximize "Banner Advertising" entry
3. You should be able to view how many Clicks have been made to each URL you have created
Note: There is no need to actually set up an entriely new "Ad Campaigns" page - you can just place the Banners module on an existing page somewhere (and you can obtain the "referral" URLs straight from the Vendor area), but it is often nice to have this information on a separate page as your list of links grows.