I'm playing with a splash page that has a text/HTML module on top with a graphic and some 'coming soon' nonsense. I then added an account login module, as I plan to have this page set to slash, make the registration private, hide all other pages, etc...
Anyway, I tried 3 times (thought a page was corrupt in the db somehow) adding the page and adding the modules as mentioned above. Each time, I had to go to design mode to see the login (I guess this is normal? I figured it out finally after having added about 20 login modules to the page and couldn't see while logged in).
Once I logged out to test it, it was aligned left...strange. So I check the page settings and the container settings...all aligned center. I delete the page after myraid tries at centering the login module, but to no avail. I finally tried to change the container and this time left it visable...voila...so changed the container back to the test case...voila. I then hid the container again...No dice--aligned left.
Am I doing something wrong, or 1.) is it a DNN 4.5.3 issue with some of the modules? or 2.) a skinning issue? I know my skin will consume the right pane, content, and left pane when placed in the content section with no modules on either side; when I center the text and graphics in the TEXT/HTML module, hide the container, then look perfect. Therefore, it's almost like the content of the core modules are not assuming the properties of the module...best way I can describe it.
I put a search input in the center, display the container, looks good...centered. I remove the container and it aligns to the far left of the page...
Sure, I can drop empty modules in the left and right panes and fix the issue, but I don't have to do this when I display the container, so I punt...