Hi, thanks for the reply - the site was originally DNN 2, and then the problem came in around 3.x, and I have had it ever since (now on 4.5.0).
So basically - when I was on DNN 2 or 3, there was a bug that if the SAME user (based on username) in another portal created a new user on a different portal, it would not create a new user record (ie. they now have the same ids across portals, which is wrong).
So, to see it in action (but it affects a variety of modules/portal probs- check out the map on PokerDIY. If you click on the UK, you will noticed a whole lot of duplicates (my Display name on there is PokerDIY - so in the UK you will see 2 PokerDIY's. Ironically there used to be 3 as I have 3 portals on this DNN install, but I have emigrated to Australia and updated my country, so the portal properties are working off the PortalUser record, so the 3rd record is in Aus. A lot of modules (like the Forum) pick up the duplicate records now as they do a query on userID expecting it to be unique across portals, but it is not. This is not the modules fault, it was the fault of the bug on CreateUser over a year ago (I have stupidly ignored the problem until now).
So... what I think is happening is this:
PortalUser table -
Portal ID 1,2,2 links to UserID 1 (me)
User Table has ONE record - UserID 1, but it should have 3, and the PortalUser table should link to each one of these recpectively (sorry, very hard to explain in text!)