Well, after visiting their site, I don't know of any such module available in DNN. However, it did strike me as something that would be a very troublesome module to 'own' and distribute for others to use. I know a lot of media is undergoing changes in their 'rights' usage, but looking at 'anywhere.fm' and their usage agreement makes me dizzy. Basically, you agree to use their service for streaming your fully licenced material, and allow them a 'sublicense' to do whatever they want, and you as the owner of that material take full responsibility for any liability for its' use. (Section 8.) And you agree to this not only in our world, but 'throughout the universe' (section 8.3). I don't have my intergalactic law concordance with me, left it my vortal transport, but I do think Rigel 9 strictly prohibits this type of agreement, and the Denubian system successfully prosecuted a Korsi corporate conglomorate that used their streamed content in this manner.
I wouldn't touch their service or use it in any way. What does it do for you that you can't do with your iPod or other similar media player? Don't see the point. Then, again, that's not your question is it.
Sorry for the intrusion, just sharing my views...
Cheers, and happy streaming