Hi Mitch, and thanks for the question Tareq!
I have also been wondering about the same as Tareq for some time, and getting pretty restless. I also know of the two links of info that you point to Mitch, but those links don't give any more specific info really.. The release schedule been unchanged or several months now...
(I am awaiting the release DNN 5.0 to get hands on the new List module (the UDT makeover), so I can get going the sign up for the next course semester in www.delfinen.no - I need dearly the private fields settings in that new module, as the fields in the current UDT are generally unprotected/unrestricted.)
I am just wondering: Is it general DNN-open source development policy NOT to publicize any more specific dates or giving any feed back/info during the way about the current process? It might be that you choose this, in order not to be hanged if a deadline is not met? Or is it just a matter of lack of time that there is no more info and updates about the project, as I understand the development of this open source project is based on free time involvement from the programmers. A lot of DNN users surely have projects awaiting for the release, and it would have been nice to have better info regarding the release date in this process!
Don't get me wrong on this! I know the team does a terrific job. It is just so frustraiting "out here" to be hanging around and scratching the empty pavement if you get my meaning! And with more updated and specific information, you would surely get a lot fewer annoying questions (like this post - and I am sure you get tons - I mean megabytes of emails) from eager people all over awaiting the results of your fantastic work!
So this goes really to all the development teams: Is it possible that you could you be more specific on the planned release dates, or is this asking too much?
Best regards