Hi Bruce!
Just bought 5 licenses from you. Hope with the money, you will create more great modules in the futures. I visited your website long long time ago before there's Url Master. I was just started knowing DNN and VB back then. I should apologized for the extreme words used. The core team actually doing great jobs, if it is really poorly written, I would not have picked DNN back then. AND if it is bad, it would getting nominated for so many awards.
I couldn't agreed more that with scar resources, spending time with the core is more crusial. That's why DNN it so flexible and customizable. Comparing to other CMS, the ease to modify module's design is the best among all.
But if we look at the default's module codes, CSS, ascx etc, they are all written using different standard, even though xhtml compliance etc. when putting up few diff module, the website become very slow as the server and browser has to digest diff cooked cuisines...
I ended up hardcoded each modules and other core's ascx to clean up all unessary codes and css. I at last saved 4MB after cleaning it. Don't blame me for being a Virgo. I read your blog Bruce, you also ended up rewrite whole url master with C++...
However, few Module really need to be revamped... the Forum module, even the Forum module in DotNetNuke.com has error on it.
html module, before the new version, it really sucks. The blog module, it once crashed the whole module when 2 users logged in with same account and post on the same time. I believe that's why most people use Scott's News Article and Active's Forum module for production side. One reason that Solpart being retired in DNN 4.9 ...I believe is poorly consideration on memory usage also.
Although good things comes with prices, DNN third party developers are far more professional, ethical and reliable that those overwhelming (in term of numbers) modules developers in other CMS--->>>>especially JOOMLA<<<<
Btw, I've embedded my site's logo in ascx already. However, I gave up using module to do Naviagation menu as site grown larger. DNN NAV help much in managing my website but just need 1-2 secs sometimes to load out the menu. zz I'm using semi-D with 512mb ram also need 1-2 secs z. Once again Bruce, you save me a lot of time and the time sure worth far more than USD 185.
Maybe we can start a vote: Most valuable Modules for DNN.
The musts for production website:
1. Property Agent
2. News Articles
3. Url Master
4. Active Forum
A must NOT uses default things list:
[logo],[privacy][terms],[credits]...[]skinpath], i.e just don't use token in skins. Slowing down your site by loading lots of rubbish codes only.
Btw, just notice that my website has a Sitelinks on serp already :) :), this proven that: Content is the KING. Build up content then only slowly improve on others like urls etc...(I was using default dnn url...tabid/xx/default.aspx , not even switch to HumanFriendly prior to just now, I just finished configurating Bruce's url master for my site and hour ago)
Yeah! Thanks guys! One last thing: No offence, but I think majority of the thirty party menu are just a bit better than DNN NAV (After understanding the concept of it...after reading dnn navigation menu ebook). I rather hardcoded menu in skin's ascx...not even need 200-300ms....just 1-5ms with greater flexibility on designs.