Since you're "not a coder," why not just stick with what's working - assuming it's working for you. You know, '''if it ain't broke..."
And you might not understand any of the asp vs php or DNN vs Joomla arguments anyway.
Having used both Joomla and DNN, we went exclusively DNN several years ago. I liked all of the components and stuff available for Joomla, but couldn't stand Joomla itself. Most of the clients found it very confusing to use, especially when adding pages and/or menu items. When I looked at how much support they needed as end users on Joomla, it became clear early on that DNN was much more intuitive when it came to that.
I miss some of the add-ins that Joomla had, and not because a lot of them were free. If free is important to you, you might be disappointed with DNN as far as modules go.
But DNN is reaching (or has reached) critical mass, and aftermarket modules are maturing along with it. Joomla might be winning in the short term, but DNN will probably surpass it in the NTD future.