@Mike & @gudz - thanks for the favourable comments - I have had to refrain from posting here on DNN as it's been indicated very clearly by the DNN Corp in posts just recently I genuinely feel my comments presence are not welcome - so I'll be posting more on my sites because the last thing I want to is to have my posts deleted, as some have been in the past.
@Mike - in reference to my ability to type.. I didn't have such a good childhood. In fact, it's taken me until I was 40 to get over some of the 'complications' that parents can bring into their childrens lives, whether on purpose or simply through ignorance. I spent alot of time on my own and not allowed see friends or have much association with anyone, but I was given a typewriter - one of those old remington portalbe ones with the big round keys, and I would clack away for hours and hours and hours. It's how I taught myself to type, so before I was 13 I could type close to 100 words a minute. *sigh* doesn't that tell you how boring summer holidays were. Anyway- the point is - I can type almost as fast as I think, so it doesn't take me hours and hours. I do it notepad now - due to the infamous forum time outs, and I try to put myself into the thinking of the person asking the question. Answer questions at their level, without intimidation of where they are because everyone has to start somewhere.
I know they are longer than usual - but if I can help a few people gain confidence in using DNN, then I've helped the project in my own way because I've been put in place good and proper by the some people involved in this project as to my 'uselesness' because of my so called popularity and I contribute nothing of any significant value, because I don't write any code. I am trying to do what I can with the resources I have and I love this project. I probably would love it alot more if I wasn't so disliked and stalked by some on the DNN corp with my comments, but at the very least, it does sometimes bring about a response in many cases. 
Having said that - I really am so appreciative of your comments here and how it did articulate in a little more details what was trying to be said here. I have so many things about DNN I'd love to share, but honestly I really did get to the point of wondering if anyone really wanted to know, and so I try to answer questions that are directed at decision making because virtually every problem when it comes to making decisions on things is something we all come across and I think people get scared that if you say something that may appear negative, that you are trying to discredit and it could not be any further from the truth.
I feel nothing is perfect, but enough clear information provided gives everyone the ability to have 'choices' and that in my opinion is the greatest power you can bestow upon any person.
Anyway - thanks very much for your responses. It means more to me than you know at this point in time. 