Right, after doing the install of a dev version of DNN 5.0.1 myself I've found the bug.
In 4.9.3 (and I assume previous versions to this also), a global variable glbAppVersion of type String was populated with "04.09.03". This was then converted to the version number used throughout the framework via the following code in PortalSettings.vb:
' get application version
Dim arrVersion As Array = glbAppVersion.Split(CType(".", Char))
Dim intMajor As Integer = CType(arrVersion.GetValue((0)), Integer)
Dim intMinor As Integer = CType(arrVersion.GetValue((1)), Integer)
Dim intBuild As Integer = CType(arrVersion.GetValue((2)), Integer)
Me.Version = intMajor.ToString + "." + intMinor.ToString + "." + intBuild.ToString
This resulted in a Version property that returned "4.9.3".
The new core framework does things differently as follows:
The string "05.00.01" is assigned to public variable glbAppVerion which is turn assigned to a private variable _ApplicationVersion of type System.Version. This was then converted to the version number used throughout the framework via the following code in PortalSettings.vb:
'get application version
'Me.Version = ApplicationVersion.Major.ToString("00") + "." + ApplicationVersion.Minor.ToString("00").ToString + "." + ApplicationVersion.Revision.ToString("00")
This results in a Version property that returns "05.00.-01"
There are two problems here:
- Firstly, notice that in the 4.9.4 code, the third part of the string used is the Build property and not the Revision property as used in 5.0.1. The overloaded string constructor for System.Version expects a string in the format "Major.Minor.Build.Revision". In this case it's receiving only "Major.Minor.Build" so it assigns "-1" to the Revision property. The returned string therefore has "-01" at the end because there was no Revision value assigned. If the Revision property is the value needed, then the string value glbAppVersion set up initially in Assembly.vb should be "". If however, the core should be using the build number, then glbAppVersion should remain as "05.00.01" and the assignment above should be changed from ApplicationVersion.Revision.ToString("00") to ApplicationVersion.Build.ToString("00").
- The second problem is that there is a discrepancy in the format of the Core's PortalSettings.Version property. In 4.9.3, the format returned is "4.9.3" and in 5.0.1 the format returned is "05.00.01". Is this intentional? The result for the Map Module I mentioned in my first post is that despite resolving the correct number now ("05.00.01"), this will result in unintentional functionality in the Map Module as it is expecting "5.0.1" and manipulates that string according to strip out the decimal points. This results in an INTEGER value of 501 which it uses to compare against "451" to make sure that the framework is up to date enough to support the Map. The new format of "05.00.01" will result in an integer value of 5001 which although achieving the same result when it checks against "451", this is obviously not desirable as it's luck more than intention. So, is this new, different format correct? If it is here to stay then a bug will need to be entered against the Map Module as well as the Core.
If anyone from the Core Team can answer question number 2 I'd be grateful so that I know whether to enter a bug against the Map Module. In the meantime, I'll be entering a bug entry for the Core.
Personally, I'm thinking this problem may have other, more serious implications for other modules!
Right, I'm going to update the guys in the Map Module forum, then I'm off for a lie down - my head hurts