Hi Geoffrey
I am getting more and more confused of this forum!!
You say, it's not recommended to upgrade to 5.x, but loyal as I am I upgraded the same day as Bill Walker send a newsletter, where he strongly recommed to upgrade to 5.1.1., because this was stable.
I got a lot of problems with the database, and it tooks me a whole day to solve them - I thought. Now I see, that they are not solved at all!
I took the change with another site, as is a Real Estate site with Ventrians Property Agent - and it looks like that I have to start from scrass to build a new site.
I have been asking in the forum, if I roll back in the right way: I downloaded all files in the dnn folder to my local computer and took a database backup. After the problems, I uploaded all files from the downloaded folder with 5.0.1, and only got errors. I have been asking, if this is a wrong way to do it, and I have been asking, if there is a way to go back to 4.9.4 - but I don't get any answers.
I have many other dnn sites running in 4.9.4, which is working perfect, so they stay as it is - for sure!
Can you tell me, if there is a way to come back to 4.9.4, i.e. with the upgrade zipfile?
Best Regards,