locopon wrote
Option 1: Do not enable READ permissions to all users and they will not see anything.
Option 2: Change your default toolbar to basic one. Enter your site as a host or admin and go to the editor. click the "Custom editor options" and at the bottom disable all toolbars but basic. You can Apply it to portal, module or instance
Option 3: Create your own toolbar by editing the fckconfig.js in the /custom folder. Then include it at the web.config section and continue as option 2
First time posting in the FCK area. I must say; you guys are messing around over here! Fasted reply to date. Thanks, sir.
I love the editor, so like to make it available to everyone. Therefore, I'll start with #1 and work my way down. By read permissions, I assume you are talking about the directories where my images and files are stored? To whom would I give permissions, then...not sure who HAS to have permissions for DNN to work-asp.net is the only one? :)
I had 'enable uploads' disabled, which is why I questioned displaying the 'browse server' option in the editor. I didn't notice this until I tried to upload an image in another DNN forum, clicking on the insert image icon and hoping it would only browse my local drive, thereby allowing me to upload the the DNN site for the post...and found that I couldn't browse my drive, but the DNN directory instead. 
Again, thanks for the prompt reply the the outstanding FCK editor.