I don't know if this is the most appropriate place for suggestions, but I'll go ahead and put them here for now. I have a love-hate relationship with this module. I need it, but I almost always have to modify it to fit my client's needs. Even before adding guestbook-like capabilities, there is lots of room for improvements in it's core function as a feedback module. Here are some of the most common changes:
1) It would be very useful to select which fields are visible to the end user. For example, you may only want to ask for the Email address and the Message text.
2) It would also be useful to allow the admin to specify default values for the fields. In the above example where the Subject line is not filled out by the user, the admin could specify the subject line. (This would allow them to trigger alerts from their email client whenever receiving a message with that Subject.)
3) I agree with Sabastion's suggestion. I've had to reconfigure the .ascx on different occassions to allow it to fit into a margin area.
3a) Going along with fitting into the margin, it would be useful to allow the administrator to select where the field text (ie "Email", "Name") is placed. For example: place to the left (current configuration), above, below or to the right.
3b) Also, allowing the admin to select the text alignment when placed above or below the textboxes. For example, left align text, right align text.
3c) Along with this, allow the admin to specify the width of the fields.
4) Allow the admin to specify if a field is required or not.
5) Validation, validation, validation... especially for the email address field.
6) Allow the admin to edit the text next to each field from within a settings page/section without having to edit the resx file for the module.
7) Separate the Name field into First/Last.
8) Even better than #6 would be to allow the admin to add custom fields (maybe down the road a stretch). If we're dreaming, we might as well throw in validation for the custom fields where admins can enter their own regular expressions.
9) Love the idea of storing, sorting and searching past input!
10) What about checking the email address against past input and grouping by sender? Maybe even checking against existing users and linking to that user's info?
Thanks for taking on this project!