I tried using the http://skoussouris.googlepages.com/feeds-v2.opml in the module, and it does not load.
Feed 'http://skoussouris.googlepages.com/feeds-v2.opml' could not be loaded. Error: The element 'channel' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'title, link, description, language, copyright, managingEditor, webMaster, pubDate, lastBuildDate, category, generator, docs, cloud, ttl, image, textInput, skipHours, skipDays, rating, item' as well as any element in namespace '##other'.
The new module is supposed to work for OPML, but it's not working for this one. You might want to add it to the list of feeds not working in the thread at the top of the News Forum, 'Post Your Broken Feeds Here', to have Peter check into it.
For the other feed, it is showing up 2 items w/o issue. (See example)
=====Example Rendering=========
AMCIS Conference, San Francisco
Wed, 05 Aug 2009 21:00:00 -0500
15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
San Francisco, California, August 6 - 9, 2009
Call for Papers: AMCIS Mini-track: Worldwide Advances in eGovernment Interoperability
FEED Review, Brussels
Thu, 29 Jan 2009 22:00:00 -0600
FEED Intermediate Review, 30 January 2009, Brussels
=====End Example Rendering ==============
So, not sure what is going on for your implementation. Can you tell us about your configuration and news module setup?