Hi Alex,
I have a dedicated server hosted in the US running on NZ (UTC +12) time, HOWEVER, I noticed in the thread you linked to the post about SQL timezone, which in my case I subscribe to a dedicated SQL server box running in US time, so I'm guessing that the forum module is acutally based on the SQL server timezone rather than the hosting server timezone! How frustrating if this is the case (as it is not possible to change the SQL server box timezone due to US customers using it)
"This becomes a really interesting problem when you have a dedicated server in the US that is set to your own timezone, while the SQL server is set to a US timezone. Dependent upon module author and stored procedure, it becomes a nightmare to manage.
I believe that DNN should have its own mandatory timezone management that all modules must use for consistency, and this should be a requirement for the DNN Reviewed logo.
This would be consistent with most of what Alex has written above, but would have the best chance to resolve the issue in full. "
I'm interested to hear if anyone has any thoughts/work arounds to this as this is going to cause our clients real headaches....
I know timezones have been a major headache for us in the past, and saw us work with a NZ hosting supplier in an attempt to get a box setup with local TZ, but due to exceedingly poor support we've gone back to our US hosting supplier, specifically setting up a dedicated hosting box so we can set our own 'local time' on the box to get it to work with DNN! It would be a shame if this planning was ruined due to some modules using SQL server TZ and not hosting box TZ!!