I've looked at a wide range of online commentary about using the pop-up code "UrlUtils.PopUpUrl" but I seem to have a basic problem.
The Pop-up screen happens, but is blank! There's no event in the event viewer and my code operates without fault.
Here are the two lines (in the Page_Load event) :
Dim MY_URL As String = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(Me.TabId, "QMSQuestions")
Me.Hyp_Popup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return " + UrlUtils.PopUpUrl(MY_URL, Me, PortalSettings, True, False, 500, 500, False, ""))
Where "QMSQuestions" is the ControlKey and Hyp_Popup is a hyperlink contol on the page.
The resulting page code is:
"return dnnModal.show('http://www.dnndev.me/ModuleName/ctl/QMSQuestions?popUp=true',/*showReturn*/true,550,950,true,'')"
which most respondents suggest is correct.
I have pop-ups enabled in the module settings.
Using Firefox firebug I see the following in the Pop-up:
<iframe id="iPopUp" class="ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" src="http://www.dnndev.me/ModuleName/ctl/QMSQuestions?popUp=true" style="width: 489px; min-height: 377px; max-height: 957px; height: 489px;">
<html class=" js no-touch csstransforms3d csstransitions csstransforms gecko ff3 win js" lang="en-US">
<body id="Body" class="dnnEditState">
Which is really odd as I (currently) have a couple of simple labels in the .ascx saying "Hello world" -
I suspect (as always) that I've missed something really obvious...