Hi Rajesh. You and I differ in the opinion that DNN should include documentation on this matter. The team has a difficult time as it is to keep up w/ user (and very much so lacks) developer documentation. I have released user docs which I have written and I include module build files w/ the forums for example. Even the core dnn includes a build file you can read and utilize under the 1.1 framework. If you want things for 2.0, you are going to have to do some work on your own as this module is not in 2.0 yet and 2.0 structure is so different that MSBuild is actually used to build the modules and the core via nant scripts.
FYI, I am totally against VSS (Visual Source Safe) as it was even replaced by MS via Team System in 2005. So if you want VSS examples, I don't know anybody here that is actually using it.
1 - VSS structure (or any source cotnrol setup) varies depending on the framework version you are using and if it is 2.0, you have to consider WAP and WSP.
2 - There is no such thing as a nant server. You can have a build server which has nant installed, but how all this is setup depends on your source control setup. You also can utilize things like draconet or cruise control to handle your build reporting.
The answer here is you first need a good source control server, determine your 2.0 dev environment (wap/wsp) and you probably need to spend some time learning MSBuild, nAnt, and either draconet or cruise control.