I have the same problem, it started to appear after an update of the IE version ( Browser Version: 7.0.6000.16643) on a Vista PC. I get the problem browsing different sites (a production one, still on DNN 4.7.0, hosted on Windows Server 2003 as well as a development one with DNN 4.8.3 on a Vista Business). This behaviour affects the standard administration pages , such as the portal administration one, using the delivery standard skins, so apparently it does not depend on any customization.
The problem does not rise on Firefox (any version) nor using different versions of I.E. (accessing the same sites!).
I tried to debug a little bit using a development version of previously said production site (i.e. DNN 4.7.0, SOLPART Menu, no custom modules exploiting Ajax, no updatepanels etc.).
When you click on the +/- icon the client code is correctly executed, after that a post is issued that causes the reload of the page (and MinMax returning to the previous state).
- The __dnn_SectionMaxMin function returns true, trying to cancel the postback
- The onclick corretcly executes the 'return false' statement
- Then control returns to the Ajax Framework and in the end executes the following code:
function anonymous() {
that seems cause the postback.
If you hover over the menu, the behaviour disappears and everything goes right untill you does not reload the page.
I hope this can be of some help.