HI. i see that
DNNmenu FROM webcontrols.dotnetnuke.com and other site is Diffrent Rendering
(It is not SQL QUERY, it's my English query :-) English is my 2nd language.
1For example in IE we have _DNNVariable (that have XML with names of node such as Maim,contacts,forum,guestbook)
BUT in FF we have only HTML code (maybe it's because downlevel style?)
2. Jon, in FF we have diffrent source to js files forexamle
IE have dnn.controls.dnnmenu.js
FF dont have this file and
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="NAV" Src="~/Admin/skins/menu.ascx" %>
but FF don't have this file. Because in HTML dont render <src ...etc>
AND We have situation that in standart DNN 4.9 skin FF DNNmenu work incorrectly. i see only 1st item
4. WHY Menu.ascx and SolpartMenu.ascx have the equals code?
<%@ Control language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="True" Inherits="DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Controls.SolPartMenu"%>
Sory for my english. But do you saw earlier bug when menu have in IE see [main][forum][blog] and in FFonly [main]