Hi Mike,
Thank you so much for your efforts on this particular issue. I've deleted the authentication key from web.config, deleted active directory folder from desktop modules.. deleted any traces of AD from following tables Assemblies, Authentication, Packages, Module Settings.. But still I could not install the new authentication system and i got the same error "Error loading files from temporary folder - see below".. I think when it tries to create a back up of web.config it fails.. but it has all the read/write permissions.. this is something weird! i could not figure out..
Here i've listed the current records in dnn database.
Assembly Table
Assembly ID Package ID Assembly Name Version
2 1 Interop.ActiveDs.dll 01.00.00
3 2 DotNetNuke.Authentication.LiveID.dll 01.00.00
4 3 DotNetNuke.Authentication.OpenID.dll 01.00.00
5 3 Janrain.OpenId.dll 01.00.00
Authentication Table
Authentication ID Package ID Authentication Type IsEnabled SettingsControlSrc LoginControlSrc LogoffControlSrc
1 -1 DNN TRUE DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/DNN//Settings.ascx DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/DNN//Login.ascx
3 2 LiveID TRUE DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/LiveID/Settings.ascx DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/LiveID/Login.ascx DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/LiveID/Logoff.ascx
4 3 OpenID TRUE DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/OpenID/Settings.ascx DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/OpenID/Login.ascx
Thanks again for your efforts.