I am a newbie with DNN and have just begun playing around with it. I have installed it and I have it layed out how I like it with all pages and modules installed. Now I am trying to get Windows Authentication going, but I am stumped.
I went into Admin > Authentication and began setting up my Active Directory settings...but if I select any of the non-secure methods of authentication (delegation, readonlyserver, signing, sealing, fastbind, anonymous, serverbind), I get all FAILs when I click "Update" and the error message is "A more secure authentication method is required for this server."
Then I try SSL (there are two SSL options listed). Both of them do the same thing. The error message I get now, again after all FAILs - is "Could not access LDAP to obtain domains info. The server is not operational."
Finally, I just try the "Secure" option. This works for everything except "Checking Root Domain" in which I get a FAIL. However, the "Find all domains in network" works, and it found and listed my domain just fine.
I am a little puzzled here, and any help would be greatly appreciated!