mzns wrote
This will occur if you previously had Tam's original authentication module installed. Even if you uninstalled it a few remnats rename in the module settings folder. We had this same problem and went through the tables from within SQL enterprise Manager one by one and remove the entries.
Every other installation we have done worked the first time provided the original authentication module was not installed.
Yes, this is pretty much what I had to do. From Tam's blog:
Open ModuleSettings table change the value of ProviderTypeName
from DotNetNuke.Authentication.ADSIProvider, DotNetNuke.Authentication.ADSIProvider
into DotNetNuke.Security.Authentication.ADSIProvider, DotNetNuke.Authentication.ADSIProvider
After I restarted IIS, this fixed the error message for me.
Prior to getting to this point, I set the login page to the default on all portals, removed the TTT modules from the definitions page and deleted the pages I'd put the modules in and purged the deleted pages from the recycle bin - all of this had to be done before unzipping the upgrade. Missing any of these things would cause the upgrade of the auth module to fail in some manner. See Tam's blog for the steps, and see if removing the pages with a recycle bin purge (steps 3.5, 3.6) and IIS restart (step 10.5) steps make any difference for you. Check the trust level per the post from rralston, also.
Good luck,