It is unfortunate it seems to only be affecting the forums.
At the time of the errors I asked or help on the forums (no luck), and a programmer I contracted to help said if everything was working fine, which it had been, then I should ignore it else it could be a big task.
One thing that is happening, when I delete the posts in our forums... a blank notification email is being sent. I can only presume this shows it is slightly working... so would this point to DNN core problems, or to Forum file problems (bearing in mind problems only appear in the forums)?
How do source files get installed? Can I simply write over the installed files with the source files I downloaded? I would certainly do it "a file at a time".
I wonder why though, I never get notifications from DNN's own forums?
Might it be feasible to setup a new DNN installation? Is it "easy" to import a whole portal & data into a new DNN installation? I am thinking it may be the only option to move forward.
:-( but thanks!