Obama wins. I am not surprised. Right message, right time. Now let's see what we can do. McCain gave a great speech this evening. Very humble, very heartfelt. Regardless of my political views, the awesomeness of seeing someone besides a white male in office is powerful! It will be an interesting four years and I will enjoying watching it unfold.
There is a great book I read a few years ago called, "BIAS", which was written by a reporter for CBS. http://www.google.com/books?id=vOrLY-HXnzYC&dq=book+bias&pg=PP1&ots=NqkzeqLwXx&source=bn&sig=_s0tWy0elC7MR3D1GylVvb93OXY It basically, says that the media in the U.S. is very liberal, but doesn't realize it, becuase they feel that liberal is the norm, so in there mind they are very normal and average. It was an interesting read.
I tend to get my news from all over, but mostly, CNN.com, DrudgeReport.com (to balance out CNN) and the BBC to get the world perspective.
From watching a lot of vlogs that come from the west coast it certainly appears to me that the view from the coasts of the U.S. is that there is California and New York and everything else is corn and doesn't matter. Sort of dishearting since I live smack dab in the middle of it :)
I spent some time this summer in Germany, Austria and Switzerland visting a friend and travelling with my wife (around Lake Constance oder der Bodensee), it was great getting to speak with people. My wife teaches German and speaks German well. She did all of the talking and they weren't sure where she was from but as soon as she turned to me in English and said, "they said Germany plays in the Euro Cup at 7 tonight", they were like, "OH! Are you from Great Britain?". This cracked me up, since the whole British accent, but how would they know the difference, I can only determine a German accent when I travel from Hamburg to Switzerland with the whole Swiss German thing.
Anyway, I am rambling now, but I say all of this to say that I got in a lot of conversations with people and it seemed uniformally that people were scared to travel in the U.S. It was like they thought it was the wild west and that they would be shot or killed if they came and went outside of New York. I think this is a huge shame as I think American's especially us Mid-Westerners are some of the most friendly people you will meet. Just as everyone wanted to know all about the U.S. and Obama, we want to know everything about your country.
Well Obama is starting to talk now, so I will stop rambling, so I will cut this off.