Don't get me wrong .. I will probably host with PowerDnn too ..
The point I am trying to make is about disk space and bandwidth ....
The whole industry seems to think if you are a .net user you should pay heaps more for the same disk space bandwidth as a PHP user on a Linux platform.
I just don't understand why, thats all.
To DNN or not to DNN .. this is the question ...
My reasons for are.
1.I know some Visual Basic.
2.Seems to be more modules available and they seem to be of a higher standard and also in the main seem to be better supported.
3. .NET might just take over the world and will be in everything from Linux to your toaster.. I think MS are planning it that way. So support should be around for a while.
4. Heaps of pro's are using it for every type of business.
The against reasons are mainly to do with the expense.
Expensive hosting.
Expensive modules.
Probably lots of expense I haven't even thought about too !
The main against is that it's so microsoft dependent. Which means uncle Bill still has my goolies in his handbag.
Someone usually does whichever way you go .. but.
With the Linux Apache PHP MYSQL platform (LAMP) at least I have a chance of extracting at least one if things turn nasty.
What I mean by that of course is that there are heaps of ways the other platform can go if people really don't like the way a particular approach by a particular group. ie: the Mambo/Joomla split.
Now I know that a lot of these split projects turn into "evolutionary dead ends" to quote someone famous who just happens to own this board (you know who you are Shawn)

But I think that gives it a bit of vibrancy too ... I dunno . I am just thinking out loud .. and wondering which way I should jump.
90% chance I am jumping for DNN ... I just hope I don't get fried !