Hi all,
I have a similar problem, the verify link error in DNN 7.4.1, I checked the code as suggested in this post, the code in 7.4.1 seems to match the proposed solution above so I think my issues is different, maybe even I have a setting wrong, I am fairly new to DNN and just launched a 2 site portal.
When users click the verify link I am getting this error [Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.] and the page redirects to IIS 404 page not the DNN 404 page.
here is the full stack trace at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection. (SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.GetAvailableUsersForIndex(Int32 portalId, DateTime startDate, Int32 startUserId, Int32 numberOfUsers) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.UserIndexer.GetSearchDocuments(Int32 portalId, DateTime startDateLocal)
I am really stuck, as there is a registration robot that really like to add users to DNN sites so turning off the varity is probably not an option.
Thanks for any clues of what I have done wrong here?