Hi there,
We are developing a huge portal with about 50-100 custom made modules and a fully custom build back-end for all these modules' data retrieval and validation . The portal is based on DotNetNuke 3.2.0 for now and in the near future 4.4.*
The problem described in this thread "Randomly Logging Out During Edit" is partially our problem too. But with the small difference we got it also while not editing content ! It does not happen in a pattern (like every five minutes for example) like some users say on these forums. We got these "logout & reloggin" issues randomly.
We are using Windows Authentication for portal users and forms login for admin and host (no login/logout button available in the skin but accessed through ctl=login querystring parameter). We have only one portal and no child portals at all. The problem sound like the one Steve has too. "it appears to be a app time-out(/process recycle)".
I've read multiple threads about this problem on these Dnn forums but all are started by a person who is telling about the problem, others who are reacting on that post and communicate that they have a similar problem, in most threads a core member steps in but in the end all of these threads have an open ending with no result and bleed to death.
I've noticed the last post was from Locopon on 11/20/2006 2:20:49 PM already a while ago, I'am wondering if people like Steve have solved the problem yet. If they do, can they please leave a message on these forums with the/a solution ?
I hope to here from people with the same problem who can help me with this, because it's really getting a big problem.
Can also a core member give a reaction on this problem because with this problem alone real big commercial sites can't be build with DotNetNuke... And that would be sad 
Thanks for reading
P.H. Leenaers