You may want to clear out some of the data in the database.. for example, do you know which table is taking up the most room? The events log can hold a lot of data, so you may want to clear this table by signing on as Host and going to the Admin>Event Viewer and selecting clear log
You can use the following t-sql commands to view the table sizes. It will list the table in size order -- largest first. Use the Host>SQL to execute
set nocount on
-- create table to hold name and rows
-- cannot use in-memory as it will not work with sp_MSforeachtable
Create table #dnntables (
tablename varchar(64),
tablerows int
declare @rows int
declare @sql varchar(1000)
-- load table with names
-- undocumented MS stored proc -- well documented on Google
exec sp_MSforeachtable 'insert into #dnntables(tablename) values( ''?'')'
-- create cursor to load rows count into table
declare tabcursor cursor read_only
for select tablename from #dnntables
declare @Tablename varchar(64)
open tabcursor
fetch next from tabcursor into @TableName
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
set @sql = 'update #dnntables '
set @sql = @sql + 'set tablerows = (select count(*) from ' + @TableName + ')'
set @sql = @sql + 'where tablename = ''' + @TableName + ''''
--print @sql -- uncomment to see generated update command
exec (@sql) -- note: must enclose in brackets to executed string
fetch next from tabcursor into @TableName
-- dump collected data
--Select * from #dnntables
Select * from #dnntables where Tablerows > 0 order by TableRows desc
-- clean up
close tabcursor
deallocate tabcursor
drop table #dnntables
Hope this helps