Hi, I kind of found a way to make this possible.
First follow the instructions on this page to create a custom login page.
Then you would have to play a little bit with the login module settings. Go to Advanced Settings->Header and add the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
//hide the default login section
//show the windows login section
//remove class 'LoginTab' and 'LoginTabSelected' to the 'Standard' button
//add 'LoginTab' class to the 'Standard' button
//remove class 'LoginTab' and 'LoginTabSelected' to the 'Windows Login' button
//add 'LoginTab' class to the 'Windows Login' button
This will make the windows login active by default, just make sure the element ids and class names match with my code's.
Let me know if it works,
Ivan Sunga
Software Engineer